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Adding an extra dimension: Workshops at the BCS/SoC Conference

On Wednesday and Thursday the 6th and 7th of September Garsdale Design’s Nicholas Duggan and Elliot Hartley will be conducting a workshop at the BCS/SoC Conference in Durham.


Workshop 1 – Nicholas Duggan – Wednesday 12:00 – 13:00

The aim of this workshop is to use the ESRI Arcgis Pro software to change Ordnance Survey building footprints in to extruded buildings which can be used for 3D representation in many software such as QGIS, Mapbox, ESRI Web scenes, QGIS2threejs and others.

Using only free, open source data we will take you through, step by step, the process to create your own 3D data which you can use as a streaming service. Along the way, we will discuss vertical datum, transformations and if you ask nicely, maybe how it can all be done in open source software too.

This will be a live workshop and to make the most of it you will need to have a computer with ArcGIS Pro and 3D analyst (paid or trial). To take part in the data streaming section, you will need to have an organisation account with ESRI. If you don’t these, you are still welcome to see me run through it live.

  • ArcGIS Pro
  • 3D Analyst Extension
  • ArcGIS Online account this can be the public free version or organisation account, however to use our data service you need an organisation account (paid or trial)


Workshop 2 – Elliot Hartley – Thursday 10:30 – 11:30

In this workshop we will introduce you to a technique to create 3D models from 2D GIS data using a procedural modelling tool,  We will then show you how to publish the models online within the context of our new 3D basemaps which Nicholas presented on in workshop 1.

We will use Esri CityEngine, a procedural 3D modelling tool, to take your 2D GIS data (with attribution) from simple extrusions to advanced symbology or real designs with associated dynamic metrics.

We’ll choose a site and create at least two 3D models one for visualisation and one for reporting back metrics like floor space.   Once completed we will show you how to publish it from CityEngine on to ArcGIS Online and use it with the context of our 3D basemapping. 

This will be a live demo but we encourage attendees to follow with us on your own laptops.    We will provide any data required, however, you will need access to some software.  This needs to access and installed prior to the workshop.

  • Esri CityEngine (trial or paid)
  • ArcGIS Online account this can be the public free version or organisation account, however to use our data service you need an organisation account (paid or trial).
  • ArcGIS Pro (optional)

Please contact us if you need assistance.

info [at] garsdaledesign.co.uk

