Thursday the 9th of January 2020

Garsdale Design has become the first EsriUK partner to be recognised as ‘Release Ready’.  Being part of the ‘Release Ready Speciality’ designation recognises Garsdale Design’s unique skills and commitment to Esri CityEngine and the wider Esri platform.   This designation is only awarded to those Esri business partners who can prove their expertise in adoption and promotion of the latest Esri technology.  

“We are pleased that Garsdale Design are the first partner in the UK to be awarded the ‘release ready’ partner status.  This award recognises their continued commitment to developing Esri-Centric client propositions, as well as their readiness to install, configure and train on ESRI CityEngine (and the wider platform). Congratulations to Elliot and his team.”

Heather Fletcher, Head of Partners and Alliances, EsriUK

The Release Ready Speciality is assessed yearly to ensure that Partners are adopting the latest Esri technology on a consistent basis as well as:

  • Demonstrating a repeatable approach for migrating their offerings
  • Helping customers implement the latest release
  • Ensuring staff are trained and able to support the latest release
  • Offer defined solutions, services, or content that use the latest ArcGIS capabilities
  • Promote Release Ready offerings
  • Share customer successes

“As many people might know, Garsdale Design is a unique specialist consultancy, especially when it comes to Esri CityEngine and 3D GIS.  We are proud to have received this recognition from Esri as we are always striving to offer the best advice and services for our clients unique and varied requirements.”

Elliot Hartley Managing Director, Garsdale Design

Garsdale Design has worked with Esri CityEngine professionally for over a decade now.  We were the first UK Chartered Architecture practice to recognise the power of CityEngine for use in 3D geodesign related projects.   We have used CityEngine for 3D urban plans, urban scenario modelling with metrics, and modelling existing urban environments with a diverse range clients and projects (CityEngine Creates New Solutions for Historic Cities

In 2013 we started providing the first worldwide training service for Esri CityEngine (Succeed With 3D: An Emboldened Vision of Downtown Miami and have trained a very broad range of organisations in the public and private sector from the AEC, to military, and the entertainment industries.  Our recent successful collaboration with Downtown Detroit Partnership with consultancy services and knowledge transfer is just one of many successful projects we have worked on (Using 3D to Entice Urban Redevelopment

In 2017 we became the first 3D building data and Esri CityEngine rule file provider on Esri’s ArcGIS Marketplace.  Our work creating CityEngine rule libraries for a range of clients has helped smooth 3D workflows for a number of clients.

Recent work has also seen us win awards for our 3D cartography using the Esri platform and tools such as ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online and the Esri JavaScript API ( Esri UC Map Gallery (3rd place in 3D Map and Most Innovative)  Our work has also appeared in Esri publications such as the MapBook (Greater London in 3D as well as ArcNews (Geodesign Tackles big problems and ArcUser. We have also had articles appear in professional publications on topics of 3D modelling (Ready (finally) for 3D, geodesign, and digitaltwins (Digital twin ambitions: How to catch up with the future

Our continued 6-year friendship with our partners Esri Inc, EsriUK, GISTEC, and CyberCity3D have been focused on delivering 3D consultancy, training, and 3D data services to our clients worldwide on the Esri platform.   Our newer partners Lancaster University and Fastr Property are allowing us to keep current and explore new technologies and workflows for commercial and academic uses.


It’s always nice to be able to talk about some of our work. Whilst we have a large amount of domestic/local architectural work within the Sedbergh and Yorkshire Dales area we have an international side of our business that specialises in not just urban planning but also 3D geospatial, training, consultancy, data, and application development (led by Elliot Hartley).

What does that mean? Well people who need to plan a city’s development need to understand context they need to understand how new development may affect a skyline or a view. That’s where 3D modelling comes in, we use a combination of 3D building models captured from stereo aerial or satellite imagery to provide contextual existing building models. Then we will combine that with CAD or procedural models (from Esri CityEngine) to show possible future developments.

Using the Esri platform we can then create a range of storymaps or web applications for stakeholder engagement. A good example of some of this work is the a project where we provided services and knowledge transfer to the Downtown Detroit Partnership, a body that represents the residents/businesses within Downtown Detroit.

DDP convenes business, philanthropic and government partners to ensure that efforts in the creation of a vibrant urban core for Detroit are balanced and all perspectives are considered.

Downtown Detroit Partnerhsip, – Our Mission

Our partners CyberCity3D and Esri Inc wrote up about this work for ArcUser a quarterly publication produced for Esri software users. You can read it here.

EsriUK and Garsdale Design Limited will be co-hosting a webinar on 3DGIS on Thursday the 7th of March. Elliot Hartley will be giving a demo of Esri CityEngine showing a workflow that imports 2D GIS data and creates 3D models for use in ArcGIS Pro, a 3D Printer, a web scene, and Unreal Studio.

You can register for the webinar here (now below)

This page will also be used to host the resources that are associated with the CityEngine portion of the demo.

How about exploring our Birmingham Photobooth Web application? Feel free to share/tweet your photo!

Or maybe you prefer a sketchy style on a blackboard or blueprint paper?

Coming Soon (after Webinar)

Did you know?

We have worked with governments and organisations to create or help them create 3D mapping and web applications for the Esri platform! For example:

We were the first to conduct Esri CityEngine training worldwide, and now also provide a range of 3D GIS & CityEngine related knowledge transfer services, training, as well as consultancy.

We are holding a 2-day Esri CityEngine training course at EsriUK’s head office in Aylesbury on the 14th and 15th January 2019.   There are spaces still available on this course! 

Geodesign and analysis in 3D


Garsdale Design Limited is the official EsriUK instructor for Esri CityEngine and advanced procedural 3D modeller ideal for those wishing to turn their 2D GIS data into 3D urban models for analysis or visualisation.

The 2-day Esri CityEngine training course is more than just an introduction to CityEngine (version 2018.1), not only is this a hands-on practical course it will teach you some CGA theory and useful tools such as the amazing viewshed tool.

The course will also give you a more advanced understanding of the inner workings of Esri CityEngine.  Time is also included to focus on trainees real-world workflows and data.

Using CityEngine you will learn how to author a web scene from 2D and 3D data for visualising or analysing in other products.

This course will familiarise the user with the CityEngine interface and some workflows. You will explore how CityEngine can ‘3D enable’ your data, to make compelling and interactive 3D web viewable models and how it can fit in to other pipelines and workflows.

Road Cross sections using Esri CityEngine


Anyone interested in learning more than just the basics of CityEngine, the attendee needs to have some knowledge of 3D and GIS. It will be desirable for attendees to have some experience or prior knowledge of Esri CityEngine but not essential. Delegates ideally should also have some knowledge of the following, SketchUp, ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap, ArcGlobe and ArcScene) and ArcGISPro.


  • Identify components of the CityEngine interface
  • CGA (rule file) theory and best practice
  • GIS workflows
  • Create a CityEngine workspace and project (and how to manage it)
  • Create a 3D Web Scene
  • Use existing 2D & 3D content
  • Analysis (viewdome etc) and reporting


Your instructor will be Elliot Hartley,  the Managing Director of Garsdale Design, and a 3D geodesign expert who is a pioneer in the use of Esri CityEngine for urban planning projects and 3D city and urban modelling.   Elliot has over 6 years of consultancy, training and real-world project based experience with Esri CityEngine.

Elliot has had more than 18 years working in the fields of GIS, planning, 3D urban modelling and geodesign. He has spent some of that time working as a Senior planner, as well as a Development Control officer within local authority planning Departments. Elliot’s academic career has seen him specialise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at Durham University as well as Town and Country Planning from the University of West England.    As a renowned expert in 3D urban modelling Elliot has spoken and conducted workshops at many international events on topics of planning, 3D urban modelling and geodesign.  He is co-convenor of the 3D special interest group at the British Cartographic Society and also maintains a blog called GeoPlanIT which discusses CityEngine and geodesign projects


  • Price: Contact us at (discounted rates are available).
  • Venue: EsriUK Headquarters Aylesbury
  • Equipment:  EsriUK will supply appropriate hardware and software
  • Can’t make the date? Contact us directly, we have courses throughout the year.

You can book directly on the EsriUK website here

Contact us directly for more information on other options for training :